What Goes Into Making A Feature Film

5:51 PM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

 A Sense Of Purpose Movie Poster, #ASOPmovie 

Practically every day someone asks Jillian Bullock “When will the movie (A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives) be available for the public to see?” People who are not filmmakers ask this question because they have no insight into how movies are made. Whether it’s a big budget movie like “Captain America” or an independent film like “Moonlight,” the process is similar. Depending on the movie it can take from two to ten years to get it made and into theaters. Here is Jillian's take on how the process usually works based on independent films.


When a screenwriter, who is oftentimes the director, has an idea for a movie, development begins. The writer will craft the script. Depending on the subject matter, like “A Sense of Purpose,” which deals with veterans, military sexual assault and PTSD, it can take years to complete due to the research that must be done to ensure accuracy. Since it is an independent film, which means the movie can be produced for $10,000 up to a few million, the screenwriter and/or director usually tries to keep the locations minimal as well as the special effects. If the budget is ultra-low (less than $100,000) the director will also usually stay away from period pieces, musicals, or working with animals or children. The decision to do the movie as a non-union or union project also affects the script. Working with the union, Screen Actors Guild, means the filmmaker must secure a bigger budget. Next comes hiring key people, or what it’s called in the film business – above the line people - individuals who have tremendous influence and add to the creative direction and process of the movie. A few of these roles include the screenwriter(s), producer(s), director, casting director, and principal actors.

(Front row – Producer Delayne Powe, Director, Writer, Producer Jillian Bullock, Lead Female Actor Tamara Woods. Back row - DP/Editor/Producer Lamont Fountain, Executive Producer/Actor Joe Hunter, Lead Male Actor John Quinlan)

  Pre-production is bringing people together – screenwriter, director, producers, executive producer, line producer, production manager, and more. Auditions for actors and interviews for cast, scouting and securing locations. Going after money for production. This can be done in several ways. For independent filmmakers that usually entails doing a crowdfund raising campaign, e.g. Indiegogo, fundraisers and/or seeking investors. After auditions for cast, the director must finalize the complete cast list, hire crew members, and have the script  broken down, so he knows what the budget should be, how many scenes there are along with how many locations, what make-up and wardrobe will be needed, what kind of props, cars, equipment will be needed, and much more. The shooting schedule will be completed so all involved know when he or she is required on set, the actors know what scenes they’re in, the head crew people, like the director of photography, will meet with the crew who works under them. The unit production manager handles the production budget and the production schedule. Many times the director will want the script storyboarded, but not always. Storyboarding – the script is illustrated, especially fight scenes, action scenes, car chase scenes or any difficult scenes. This visualization helps production run smoother. All contracts with cast and crew are completed at this time. Rehearsals begins for actors.  


Independent filmmakers try to get a movie done in thirty days or less. For production on A Sense of Purpose, it took little over a year. Part of the reason for this was money fell through and the script had to be re-written for a smaller cast, less locations. Since most of the cast and crew worked day jobs to pay their bills and feed their families, filming took place normally on weekends. Plus, the lead female actor, Tamara Woods, became pregnant two months into production. Instead of trying to work around her pregnancy,  Jillian rewrote part of the script to include her pregnancy in the storyline.

(Jillian, in black hat, directing a scene)

( Cast and crew look on at one scene)

(Lead female actor, Tamara Woods, two months pregnant, along with DP Lamont Fountain do a scene in 90 degree weather)

(Actors Sara Osi Smith, Joe Hunter and Tamara Woods filming fight scene)

(Actors Michael Pleasant and John Quinlan filming fight scene)

(Cast and Crew on break)

(Director Jillian Bullock, also acted in the film as Jessica Winters, the wife of Captain Jake Nixon, portrayed by actor John Quinlan)

(Award winning Director of Photography Lamont Fountain and Award winning Director Jillian Bullock work as a team)


 On an independent movie the film editor, who usually still works a 9-to-5 job, has this restriction that is her biggest obstacle. This determines how long it will take to get the film completed. If there is post production money allotted for an editor to not work a job, but to focus entirely on editing, that’s ideal. Promotion should be done during production, but it kicks into high gear in post in order to prepare the movie to start hitting film festivals. Of course every filmmaker would love for his movie to hit the bigger festivals, like Sundance and Cannes. However, it is difficult to be selected for these major festivals because thousands of entries from around the world are submitted. Independent filmmakers usually enter their movie into small film festivals and if the film wins that makes it easier to get selected at the major festivals.    


Independent filmmakers normally do the festival route when their film is completed. This could go on for a year to two years after post-production. Winning at festivals helps to secure a distribution deal, which could be with a major company, like Sony or Lions Gate, to place the movie in theaters or on TV with companies like Amazon, HBO or Netflix. It is the ultimate goal of any filmmaker to get a distribution deal so they can move on to the next project. This is just a small glimpse into how a film goes from an idea to completion and why the process is so long. Film making isn't for the weak at heart. It is a long and arduous process, but a very rewarding one when millions of people see the end result of a filmmaker's movie on the big screen or on TV.

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Combat Veterans and War

1:00 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

When a man or woman returns home from serving in the Armed Forces family, friends, co-workers, and associates are overcome with joy. They open their arms with smiles, deep hugs, and sometimes parades in their city to show their appreciation for the veterans’ service. However, no one can understand what goes on in the mind of someone who has been to war in a foreign land except someone else who has been through it. This is where the problems begins.

The emotional and psychological process veterans go through to assimilate back into society is difficult for many reasons. They are asked by society to transition from a high-stress combat war zone to a quiet and peaceful home environment. That is difficult to do especially for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. People, even loved ones with good intentions, have absolutely no idea what that solider goes through when they are in a foreign land and they must constantly deal with the threat of death each and every day. In addition, soldiers are required to kill for a living. That is their job. They are exposed to terrible horrors and many times they see things and must do things that challenge their values, their morals, and their faith. This can cause many veterans to come home with guilt and shame.
Every Soldier Who Goes To War Comes Home Changed
The experiences combat veterans have will forever alter their lives and change how they view the world.
Here are some of the things combat veterans must deal with when they return home:
1) Anger and Trauma
Combat veterans who return home from war often experience post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of trauma. Part of PTSD is anger and veterans use it as a survival skill to cope with life’s stresses. However, that’s not a good thing when anger turns into rage, which results in a veteran getting into bar fights or slapping his wife around.
When soldiers come home and they have flashbacks, nightmares, sleep deprivation this is what psychologists say is a “connection to post-service anger and hostility.” In many cases, anger is the only way a combat vet can deal with the deep emotions of war.  Anger is used as a form of control and when a soldier comes home he is no longer in control. He lashes out because he feels powerlessness and alone at the same time.
Many veterans are angry because they feel guilty. They survived when so many of their friends didn’t. They experienced lost and they grieve. Soldiers must also come to terms with the fact that as must as they hated war they would go back in a heartbeat because that’s where they feel most comfortable, most alive.
2) Feeling Alienated
One of the reasons why the suicide rate is so high for veterans is the feeling of alienation. You have combat soldiers who are used to being wired for action and enormous amounts of adrenaline. That’s their life day in and day out for years. Once they’re no longer in the military they don’t know what to do with themselves when the adrenaline and being on edge all the time is no more. This is something so ingrained in them now that leading what society considers a normal life in the suburbs and working a 9 to 5 job is utterly mundane to them, which leads to depression.
Also, many veterans, who are combat soldiers, come back from war and they feel that no one understands them and what they have been through. They are expected to forget all that happened to them and just get on with life. In order to keep their anger in check, they will isolate themselves and live in the basement or the attic, or become homeless. They do this not to protect themselves but to protect their loved ones, friends, co-workers, and society. However, this alienation doesn’t go over well with family, especially a spouse and children.
Alienation means a veteran often pushes away the ones he doesn’t want to hurt, like his spouse. He still loves her, but things are different now. After being deployed numerous times and being away from home for a year or more, not only has he changed, but his wife has too. The veteran’s spouse may say, “Don’t you love me anymore? Why don’t you talk to me? “We haven’t had sex since you returned.” This emotional break is what causes many military marriages to dissolve.
“One of the problems is that if they’ve (veterans) been away from their families, especially if they’ve been away for a year, that’s a long time for a family. The children change immensely in the space of a year. So when they come back to their families, their families are going to be different. … They will have expectations about what their families are going to be like. Their families have expectations about what they’re going to be like. And the one thing that is absolutely true about all of those expectations is all of them are going to be wrong. They’re going to have to make some adjustments in order to match their expectations with the realities of the situation,” stated Thomas Burke, Director of Mental Health Policy, U.S. Dept. of Defense.
3) Loss of Family
The loss for combat soldiers isn’t their biological family, but their military family. When a military unit spends 24 hours a day, seven days a week together and they deal with some pretty intense experiences together, like road bombs, mortars exploding, surprise attacks, they become extremely close, like a family. The bond they create is actually tighter than their family because they understand each other and they’re dependent on each other. Their experiences together are unique to them, so they all can relate. These guys love each other and when one is hurt or killed it’s as if a family member has died. The bottom line – they eat, sleep, shit, laugh, cry, and kill together. You can’t get closer than that.
When combat veterans come home they are welcomed back into their biological family, but that’s often not comforting to them because their other family, the brotherhood, is now gone.
4) Emotionally Numb
A soldier who goes into the military and learns how to kill for a living is bound to change. In combat, the once joyful, funny guy or the sweet, sensitive guy has to learn how to shut off his emotions in order to do his job well. These emotions get in the way of survival and don’t serve him well. Therefore, those emotions must be shut down. Instead, they must transform into a ruthless, cold-hearted person, which can be profoundly jarring to families, spouses, children, and friends when a soldier comes home. This is not to say that soldiers will always be this way, but it will take time, and maybe therapy, for veterans to learn how to “feel” again.
Jonathan Shay, Psychiatrist and author, “Odysseus in America,” stated “There is one aspect of it [returning veterans from Iraq] that I think that [many] administrators may have trouble wrapping their minds around. And that is that the wave of veterans needing mental health services may not hit as soon as they think it’s going to hit, because veterans come home proud and they come home angry. So someone says to them, “How you doing? You need any help with what you did over there or saw over there?” the response is likely to be “Well, I’m fine, and what’s your problem?” Now that’s a proud response, but it’s kind of self-destructive.

How Can Soldiers Be Prepared To Return Home?
The U.S. military does have pre-deployment care for homecoming soldiers and their families to help them get ready to transform into civilian life. Many organizations cater to veterans and  provide mental health care, education, job training, etc.
Veterans and their loved ones, especially spouses, need to keep the lines of communication open. Family members need to be mindful that veterans need a strong support system in order to heal. Although redeployment will not be seamless, it can work.

**Note, it is acknowledged that women are also in combat areas during war. However, this article focuses on male soldiers because they are the ones usually doing the fighting.

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Your Past Doesn’t Dictate What Your Future Will Be

7:00 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

Jillian Bullock Screenwriter, Director, Producer
Jillian Bullock is an award winning screenwriter and director, but she is also a certified professional life coach and transformational speaker. She started this second career after her memoir, HERE I STAND, was published and people from all walks of life started contacting her for advice, from corporate executives to people in correctional facilities.
She would always get the same two questions – “How did you turn your life around?” “Can you help me do the same?”
If you don’t know, here’s a quick rundown of Jillian’s life when she was growing up.
  • Raised by her African-American mother and white stepfather, who was in the Philadelphia Italian Mafia.
  • Saw her first Mob hit when she was nine years old.
  • Was raped by a family friend at age eleven.
  • Was homeless and a high school dropout by age fifteen.
  • Got involved in drugs and prostitution to survive the streets.
  • Got pregnant and delivered a baby at sixteen years old.
  • Kicked drugs and went back to high school at eighteen.
  • Graduated from Overbrook High when she was twenty.
  • Began college – Community College of Philadelphia. Then, LaSalle University.
  • Got an internship at the Wall Street Journal newspaper while she attended college.
There is much more to Jillian’s story, and you would have to read HERE I STAND to learn more, but the thought is despite her horrific upbringing she held on to what she calls her “fighting spirit.” To pull oneself up out of the gutter, literally in Jillian’s case, and to do a complete transformation of mind, body and spirit, it takes a fighting spirit and much faith.

Hitting Rock Bottom


When Jillian was at her lowest point in life, she attempted suicide. After she finished with a “john” in a seedy motel and she snorted a few lines of cocaine, Jillian couldn’t take the life she was living. Her dream was to become a filmmaker and she didn’t see that ever happening. When she found out she was pregnant, she knew there was no way she would be able to take care of herself and a baby. One night she decided to end it all by swallowing a bottle of pills.
Jillian remembers that God came to her and said – “This isn’t your time. You have so much more to do. Your life will change millions of lives one day.”
After the doctors pumped Jillian’s stomach and she found out the baby was still alive that was the defining moment for her. She knew she had to find a way to get off the streets, kick drugs and go back to school in order to provide a better life for her baby.

Even when Jillian got clean and went back to high school she often felt she was crazy to continue to dream of a career as a screenwriter and filmmaker. With no support, with no help, and living on welfare, Jillian had constant thoughts of negativity that she was nothing more than a crack addicted whore. As a result, she  slid into a depressed state. Going back to drugs often crossed her mind and it was a constant struggle to remain drug free. But then she would look over at her baby boy and she remembered what God told her.  She also remembered her promise to God. Her son, Clinton, was born two months premature due to Jillian’s drug use. The doctors didn’t think he would survive. Jillian spoke to God and said, “If you let him live, I promise I will stay off drugs and try to be a good mother.” Not only did Clinton survive, but he thrived. A bright boy, he was reading at the age of three.

Even though Jillian stayed drug free, she still suffered from depression. Her past haunted her nightly where she would wake up in cold sweats. However, Jillian dug down deep, held on to her fighting spirit, read self-help books, went to counseling, and prayed a lot.  These productive methods helped Jillian  clear her mind and push forward.

Your Past Doesn’t Dictate What Your Future Will Be

Today, Jillian uses her skills, education, talent, and advice to help others transform their lives and fulfill their dreams and goals. No matter what path one has taken up to the point they are right now, Jillian always says – “For most people it’s not impossible. As long as you have breath in your body, you can fulfill your dreams and goals. But you must take 100% responsibility for your life, for your choices, for your decisions.”

It’s Gonna Be Hell

To fulfill your dreams and goals, you should know it’s going to be hell, or as Jillian says –“You will have to give in to the blood, sweat and tears it’s going to take you to be successful.” To become a filmmaker, Jillian had to sacrifice a tremendous amount in order to succeed. She had to put the negative thoughts of her past out of her head. She had to rid herself of the naysayers, the doubters, the haters. She had to hold fast to her belief that she could achieve her goals and that no one was going to stop her.

I call Jillian, “the black  Anthony “Tony” Robbins. Whatever she says you need to listen. She tells you straight like it is, but it’s always the truth,” John Quinlan, lead male actor in the movie A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives. 

                                                      (Model/Actor John Quinlan)

“I joke with Jillian all the time and say she found me on the side of the road, like a lost, stray cat. But the truth is my personal and professional life was in the toilet when I first started working on Jillian’s movie two years ago. I doubted myself and thought of quitting this business many times. If it wasn’t for her guidance and advice, her mentoring me, her believing in me, her putting her foot up my ass when needed, and her love and support of me, I would have quit, given up on my dream, for sure. I would have continued to be miserable and lost.  That’s not the case anymore. I owe Jillian everything.”

Some of Jillian’s Key Points For Transforming Your Life and Fulling Your Dreams and Goals

  • When life hits you hard, you have a choice, either lie down and quit or stand up and fight.
  • Transformation of one’s life means to stop making excuses for why you are living the way you are.
  • Take the power back to your life.
  • Fear is motivation to get your ass moving.
  • Stop the blame game. No more putting the blame on others – parents, spouse, children, employer, best friends, God, the government. This is your life and you are 100% responsible for the outcome.
  • Obstacles, challenges and hardships are a way of life. It’s how you deal with those things that will determine how your life will be.
  • Even after you take that leap of faith and go for it, you will fail. So what. Failure is part of the journey toward fulfilling your goals. Embrace failure and learn from it.
  • Surround yourself with positive, uplifting, smart, and productive people who will push you toward excellence and greatness.
  • Eliminate the naysayers, haters,  doubters, and anyone will pulls you down. into their world of misery. And that means anyone – family, spouse, employer, friends, co-workers.
  • Eliminate the cancer from your mind. Your thoughts either help you achieve greatness or sink you into a mindset of misery and despair.
  • You must be 100% committed to making the sacrifices required to fulfill your dreams and goals?
  • Baby steps toward greatness and success. It won’t happen overnight.
  • It’s not just about achieving money, fame or fortune. You want to be happy, too. Work at creating a life of peace and quietness for your mind and spirit.
  • You don’t want to lie on your death bed and have regrets of what could have been.
Currently, Jillian is on a speaking tour throughout the country to promote her upcoming movie, A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives, which deals with veterans, PTSD and military sexual assault.
A Sense Of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives #ASOPmovie #veterans #military #PTSD #militarysexualtrauma #suicide # honor #respect #ASOPtour #jillianbullock#tamarawoods #lamontfountain #johnquinlan 

Jillian speaks on these topics and many more, including domestic violence, fitness and health, self-defense, mental health, and life transformation personally and professionally. If you are interested in booking Jillian to speak at your business, corporation, non-profit, event, agency, college,  veterans’ group, or workshop, contact Monique Arrington, Business Manager at speakerjillianbullock@gmail.com for Jillian’s availability and speaking fees.

To learn more about Jillian – www.jbullockenterprises.com.
To purchase, HERE I STAND

#ASOPmovie #JillianBullock #JohnQuinlan #LamontFountain #TamaraWoods #PTSD #SexualAssault #Veterans


How to Create a Multi-Dimensional Villain

8:04 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

A Sense Of Purpose Movie Poster, #ASOPmovie 

When actor John Quinlan was cast as the leading male, Captain Jake Nixon, in the upcoming movie “A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives,” he had no idea how that character would change his life. But before that is addressed, today we will talk about – How to create a multi-dimensional villain.

What Makes A Villain Well Rounded?

In order for a villain to be multi-dimensional the audience must see that character as multifaceted or well-rounded. If he is just pure evil, most times that would make the character boring. In real life people aren’t just one thing, they are a combination of many things – a mother, a husband, a wife, a father, an employer, an employee, a student, a caregiver, etc. The same goes for the development of a villain. He feels. He bleeds. He loves. He’s had heartbreaks and failures. He’s had disappointments and joys. Why is he evil? What happened to make him this way? Did something happen in his childhood? How did he become who he is now? What was that turning point in his life?
Most writers will spend more time developing the protagonist (the hero) then the antagonist (anti-hero). But to write a well-rounded villain, a writer should know that character just as much, if not better than the hero. A writer should know the antagonist so thoroughly that in a sense that character takes on a life of its own.


How John Quinlan Landed The Role

 (John Quinlan as Captain Nixon)
Four years ago, Jillian Bullock, the writer, director and producer of “A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives,” began working on the script. It was around this time that she “met” John Quinlan on Facebook. John reached out to Jillian, who was a journalist, to see if she’d be interested in doing a fitness story on him since both of them were into fitness and health. As Jillian wrote the article she got to know John very well. They realized they had a lot in common and soon a friendship developed.
For the next couple of years, they began to talk and Jillian learned that John had a tough upbringing and that he was currently going through some very difficult issues in his life. What Jillian also gathered from her talks with John was that despite what he was going through, he remained focused, dedicated, and disciplined when it came to his craft of being a bodybuilding, a fitness model, and a romance book cover model.

Up at three o’clock each morning, John prepares his healthy food (protein shakes, veggies and chicken, gallons of water) before he heads to the gym. This routine he has done for 25 years.
Jillian was so impressed with John’s work ethic that by the time she finished the script she knew he would be perfect for the role of Army Captain Jake Nixon, the emotionally damaged, imperfect man who wears his heart on his sleeve, but who also happened to be a serial rapist. A complex and complicated character indeed.

The Journey To One Day Become An Actor 

Everybody takes different paths to fulfill their dreams. John decided being in the fitness industry, having a nice face and body, would one day put the “right eyes” on him. Hence, he would be discovered.


(Junior Bodybuilder Model Shoot) 





During wrestling skits the wrestlers in a sense are actors as they cut promos and commercials for their character. They perform by selling their character to the audience, who many times thinks what they’re seeing is real.

(Pro wrestler year 2000)

Romance Cover Model 

John retired from bodybuilding in 2016. But during his years of lifting weight and sculpting his body, he was also modeling for national and international magazines and on-line publications. He also became a romance book cover model. John has graced the cover of over 60 books. http://www.johnjosephquinlan.com/book-covers/ 

Part of John’s duties as a romance cover model is attending the RT Book Lovers Convention each year in order to meet the authors and fans, sign autographs, take photos and network. There are usually 600 authors who attend each year, along with roughly 3,500 fans.

“I remember the 1st RT Convention back in 2013. I walked seven blocks with my bags in the rain to the hotel,” John said. “I was a newbie and did what had to be done.”

(First Year – 2013 – Author Sara Humphreys, RT Convention Kansas City)

                   (Second Year – 2014- Tina DeSalvo, RT Convention New Orleans, ‘Friends Fight Together’ Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign    with John Quinlan) 

(Third Year – 2015 – RT Convention Dallas Readers & Writers Roundup Featured Cover Model) 

 (Fourth Year – 2016 – RT Convention Las Vegas autograph signing) 

 (Fifth and Final Year – 2017 – RT Convention Atlanta, GA) 

Except for gracing the cover with Jillian Bullock for the upcoming erotic psychological novel, “Shadows of Love, Betrayal and Murder, John won’t be doing anymore book cover as he turns his full attention to acting.

Finally An Actor

(Director Jillian Bullock and Actor John Quinlan) 

In his first acting role how did John so brilliantly pull off the character Captain Nixon, who is truly a complex, multi-layered, troubled rapist? It all started with the actor going deep inside his character and using his own pain, hardships, troubles, disappointments, fears, doubts, etc., or what we in the film business call – Method Acting.

John knows he is nothing like his character, but for people who don’t know him and for audiences who will see the movie he will be seen as more than just a villain. His character, in their eyes, is the lowest form of a human being – a rapist. John said: “If people hate me, then I’ve done my job as an actor.” 

The next transition for John is to move from Boston to Philadelphia so he can be closer to New York, go to auditions, take acting lessons, and be around those in the film industry. He will make the move to Philadelphia in the next month and stay with friends as he navigates his way and learns from others in the business, like Writer/Director Jillian Bullock and DP/Editor Lamont Fountain. 

(Lamont Fountain and Jillian Bullock) 

“I’m learning from two of the best and most talented people in the film business,” John stated. “And with Jillian being my mentor, who is guiding my acting career, I am beyond blessed. Being new to this business, I know nothing and I would be nothing without her.”

Questions for The Actor, The Man 

Since John was a young man he has always had a plan to better his life and he believed that each step in the right direction, along with hard word, would get him closer to his goal – to become a solid and successful actor in the TV and film industry.

1) Why do you want to be an actor?
I remember growing up as a young boy and seeing so many great actors on screen. I’d look at them as if they were God like with superhero type qualities. So from a very young age the acting industry definitely peaked my interest simply because it made such a lasting impact on me over the years. The thought of myself having that same impact as an actor on others is truly something special.

2) What do you hope to achieve in in the next five years?
Everybody dreams of being successful and I would also like to be able to bring my life full circle as a good human being in this society. I obviously want to keep honing my skills as an actor and keep moving forward in a positive light in the entertainment industry. I would definitely like to be viewed as a role model and an inspiration to kids all over the world who have dreams of being successful and through hard work and never quitting can accomplish just that. Bringing my life full circle also means being able to give back to all those who helped me all on my long journey. I have also always wanted to have a foundation in my name to help those in need.

3) What is the hardest sacrifice you have to make now in order to achieve your dream to be a successful actor?
I think the hardest sacrifice I’ve had to make is giving up friends and family along my journey. Traveling a lot and being away can be tough at times especially with young children but these are the sacrifices we make when the desire burns deep from within one’s heart to achieve our goals.

(Will Smith) 

It is a long road that comes with taking a lot of chances and overcoming a lot of fears but as the great actor Will Smith says, “once you get past your greatest fears your life’s greatest moments are waiting on the other side.” 

4) Now that ASOP is completed what are your plans to further your acting career?
I really immersed myself in the role of Captain Nixon in ASOP who was a very multi-dimensional character. I was honored that director and producer Jillian Bullock selected me for this lead male actor role and I was humbled by all the great reviews I have received on it thus far. During my time in the entertainment industry I have found it is really difficult to plan too far ahead as things happen when you least expect it and you always have to be flexible. Regardless of the roles I receive after this movie I will continue to work very hard as an actor.

Make The Villain Human 

John has taken on the role of a villain who will be relatable to many people, because he is human. The character has a soft and vulnerable side at times. He is loving and sweet. He is conflicted about being a rapist and many other dark secrets that haunts him. Despite the causative trauma he suffered in his childhood, he wants to make amends for his actions. Since Captain Nixon isn’t a nefarious sociopath many people will see parts of themselves in his character. They may loathe his actions, but then turn around and for a moment show compassion for Captain Nixon.

John loved portraying Nixon, a character he could sink his teeth into. Many actors love to play evil characters because they’re more fun to do. They get away with being bad. If as a writer, you can have your audiences swaying back and forth between hating and loving a villain you have written your  anti-hero well.

Keep In Touch With John Quinlan


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