Up Close & Personal With Actor John J. Quinlan

7:30 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

In 2015, John J. Quinlan was cast as Captain Jake Nixon, the lead male actor in the upcoming movie “A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives.” In the year it took to complete the movie, John had to come to grips with the fact that his character was a very complicated man, who struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder and is a serial rapist. In his first starring role, let’s hear from John in a Q & A.

Sexual Assault In The Military: It’s Not Just A Woman’s Issue #JillianBullock , #JohnQuinlan , #TamaraWoods , #ASOPmovie , PTSD, Sexual Assault, post-traumatic stress disorder, Jillian Bullock Enterprises, A Sense Of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives
Q: What did you think when you landed the lead male actor role, Captain Jake Nixon?

A: I was truly honored to be selected in this movie by director and producer Jillian Bullock. What made it special was that being selected as the lead male actor told me that this amazing director truly believed I had what it took as an actor to carry the weight of the role on my shoulders. Having somebody who has been in the business as long as Jillian has and who truly believes in me so much that really meant a lot to me.

Q:  How did you prepare to play such a complicated character?

  1. I would tell everybody, the actors and crew, before I went into the Nixon character on film that I was a nice guy and this character is nothing like the real me so mentally in my mind no matter how nasty and mean I was I had reassurance that everyone around me knew it was acting 100%. The real John would never act this way, so this helped me as a person as well to let myself go and really immerse myself in the character freely without any thoughts that I possibly offended the other actors.

Q: This is your breakout role. How has acting challenged you?

A: The challenge for me personally is to really showcase my ability and talent as an actor to the best of my ability. This role has multiple emotions in the character. Nixon isn’t a one-dimensional guy. It was a challenge for me to really make sure I hit all the emotions the way I knew I could to the best of my ability and make my character believable in the process.

Q: What do you plan to do after ASOP is complete?

A: Right now the movie has finished. Now it’s all about promotion, interviews, film festivals, talk shows, and everything else to promote the film. I will do my best to promote the film the best way I can. As director and producer Jillian Bullock stated this is a breakout role for me as the leading male actor so ideally I’ll be humbled and honored to have this movie as a launch pad towards being picked up for additional roles and whatever God has planned for me whether it be television or movies.

Q: You are well known as one of the most successful models in the country. Will you continue modeling now that you’re acting?

A: Yes. I will continue to be a model and it would be a true honor and something I would never take for granted.

Q: What has been your favorite part about acting in ASOP?

  1. My favorite part of acting in this movie has been the people involved. I have been blessed to be selected to be in this film by one of the greatest female filmmakers in the world Jillian Bullock. The entire cast and crew are like family to me and the entire experience has been a joy. I have friendships that will last a lifetime and memories I will cherish forever.

Q: What scene gave you the most difficulty?

A:  The scene that gave me the most difficulty, or I should say was the most challenging, for me as an actor was the scene with director and producer Jillian Bullock who plays my wife, Jessica Winters, in the movie. She is sitting with me while we are parked in a car and while I’m talking to her I have a breakdown, and I mean complete breakdown, crying with full tears. To get myself to that point was very satisfying. To be able to use method acting to make that scene realistic and make my character believable for viewers gave me quite a sense of accomplishment.

Q: How was it working with the lead female actor Tamara Woods?

A: I was truly blessed to work with an actress as talented as Tamara. I think the lead male actor in a movie is only as good as the female costar. To watch this amazing lady display acting skills like she did was a true inspiration to me and made me step up my game. I was very fortunate to have Tamara. I was able to feed off her emotions. She played a key role to help me bring out the complicated Nixon character.

Q: Jillian Bullock plays your love interest in the movie. Tell us about that.
A: I look at Jillian Bullock as a person who is such an inspiration to me. To act with her on camera was equally as special because not only is she a great filmmaker but she is an amazing actress. We have a great working relationship built on communication and trust and I was very comfortable working with her on camera. We have a great chemistry so the relationship as husband and wife on camera we made very realistic and believable for the viewers.
Q: Was it difficult to do intimate scenes with Jillian since she is also the director?

A: Jillian and I were very comfortable so while engaging in intimate scenes during filmmaking with her everything came natural and it flowed nice on camera. She portrays my wife and I still have feelings for her. It was imperative to convey to the viewer my strong feelings I still had for her so passion was a must during these scenes. That’s acting and feeling comfortable with Jillian on camera made for some great intimate scenes.

Q: You get a chance to show off your amazing physique in the movie. Did you do any special fitness routine to keep in shape for your role?
A: I have been in fitness for a good part of my life and my routine has been pretty consistent over the years. At the current moment I train more like a boxer and my diet is relatively good. I train six times per week incorporating weights and cardiovascular activity.

Q: How do you think this movie will help shed light on the problems the military faces with sexual assault and rape?

A: I think this movie will bring to light some of the horrific events that have taken place behind closed doors over the years (in the military) that have been pushed under the rug. I think this movie will serve as a voice to all those who have been abused in the military and wanted to speak up and wanted to be heard and wanted justice to be done. This film is supported by factual evidence and numbers that back up all of these claims. One thing I do know is that something needs to be done because the fact that this has been going on for as long as it has is disturbing.

Q: Do you know any veterans who suffer from PTSD? If so, how has this movie helped you help them?

A: Yes I do know veterans who suffer from PTSD and I think this movie will bring them some sense of comfort because it will open the eyes for many around the world about what they go through and educate the general public who really do not know much about how serious PTSD really is.

Q: What do you hope audiences will take away from seeing ASOP?

A: A better awareness and understanding of two major problems in the U.S. military today, which is PTSD and sexual misconduct, and educate the audience. I hope it will also bring comfort to those who have been affected while serving in the Armed Forces.

Q: What was the mood like on set when you and three other actors had to do the rape scene?

A: It was a positive mood and a serious one in a good way. Everybody brought the emotions needed and went into character effectively to make the scene believable and really make it graphic and realistic. Because the sad reality is this is real life, this is one hundred percent real, and this is what really happens. All of the actors on set that day knew they had a job to do and knew they needed to make it realistic bringing raw emotions to accomplish this and we all did so.

Q: This is a serious drama. How did the cast and crew lighten the mood on set?

A: Lots of jokes and ad-libbing was done on set which made a lot of laughs. The DP/Producer Lamont Fountain was behind most of it. The man is absolutely hilarious on top of being one of the most talented cinematographers in the world.

Q: What else would you like readers to know about the movie, your role, or anything else?

A: The overall purpose of the movie is to educate the general public on many horrific events that have taken place over the course of time in military history, which truly is a tragedy in itself. If my role as the Captain Nixon helps get these things accomplished then I have done my job as an actor.

5 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About John
1) My favorite food is authentic Italian. That’s homemade Italian food from scratch made by a little old Italian grandmother.
2) I HATE bugs.
3) I am a huge New England Patriots fan.
4) I love Chihuahuas.
5) My boyhood idol was professional baseball player Wayne Boggs.

To learn more about John, check out his website at – www.johnjquinlan.com
To see John in action, check out the movie trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XyxN76JzA
John on IMDB – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5561507/?ref_=tt_cl_t4 

#ASOPmovie #JohnQuinlan #JillianBullock #TamaraWoods #PTSD #Film #Actor


Win Two Tickets To A Private Screening

9:53 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

LISTEN UP EVERYBODY!! We are running a contest for someone to win two tickets to the private screening of “A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives.” If you are the first person to answer the question correct, you win. 

Question – In the trailer, what color are Sgt. Diane Torres’s (Tamara Woods) sneakers. Don’t post the answer here. You must email the answer to – asenseofpurpose2016@gmail.com, along with your full name. 

The winner(s) is responsible for travel to and from Philadelphia. Private screening will take place in June 2017.


#ASOPmovie #JillianBullock #PTSD #Military #JohnQuinlan #TamaraWoods #LamontFountain


How Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder Affects Family and Loved Ones

10:54 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

Hundreds of men and women who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces return home each month. Family, children and friends open their arms and hearts to receive these veterans with love. Soon, however, that joy turns to emotional pain when they learn that the returning vet is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. 

PTSD: The Signs & Symptoms
1. Difficulty falling or staying asleep
2. Irritability or outbursts of anger
3. Difficulty concentrating
4. Hypervigilance
5. Exaggerated startle response
6. Avoiding close emotional contact with family and friends
7. Avoiding people or places that are reminders of the event
8. Loss of memory about the event
9. Feelings of detachment, numbness
It is difficult to live with someone who has PTSD. A person who is depressed, who has flashbacks and nightmares, who is startled easily, who avoids social situations, who has trouble keeping a job, who lacks emotional intimacy, who becomes violent, or who has a drug and alcohol problem, can take its toll on a family. Fear that the veteran may commit suicide is a big concern for family members as well. Studies show that veterans who have PTSD struggle in their personal and professional lives more than veterans who don’t have this issue. Not only does this cause distress for their spouses, but their children suffer too. In addition, the trauma survivor you once knew and remember may no longer have the traits you loved. As a result, you may fall into depression because you’re frustrated and anxious too.   


Veterans who have PTSD as a result of military sexual assault or combat or any number of things will often become severely depressed and anxious for months or even years following the event. Although females don’t normally see combat when they serve in the military, due to the high number of military sexual assaults and rapes women encounter they are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD. To help your loved one with this difficult process, here are some of the things that you should never say to a veteran who is suffering with depression.
  • It’s all in your head
  • Cheer up, it can’t be that bad
  • You would be fine if you had more faith
  • Quit feeling sorry for yourself
  • It could be worse
  • You just need to be stronger
  • Just get over it already
  • Think about all the things you’re grateful for
  • You’re doing this for attention
  • Go out, have some fun!
  • What do you have to be so depressed about?
  • Come on – Snap out of it!
  • Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?
  • We all have things in our lives we’re not happy about
Read more http://depressiond.org/things-you-do-not-say-to-the-clinically-depressed/   

PTSD and Family   

Loved ones who care for a veteran with PTSD has a challenge on their hands. If the veteran has a fear about being around crowds or big gatherings that limits the places the family can go. If the veteran can’t hold down a job, this will affect the family income. If a husband feels less of a man because he can’t perform sexually, he may withdraw, which makes the spouse withdraw emotionally as well. If the veteran can’t connect with her children when she returns home this alienates her from her kids. Since treating PTSD takes time, family members often wonder if their loved one will ever get better. This adds to the stress that the veteran and his or her family already have.    

How You Can Help   

Don’t avoid what is happening to your loved one. If you think the trauma will just “go away” if you don’t talk about it, be assured that it won’t. The trauma survivor and family, especially the spouse, need to realize the truth about what is going on. Then, they should get the help that is needed for the veteran and the family.
Do learn what you can about PTSD. The more you know the better you can understand what your loved one is going through.
Do offer a listening ear, but don’t judge.
Do get the support you need for yourself through counseling.
Do become more aware of how your children are processing things. Make sure they have the help they need.
Do take care of yourself. You’ll be angry and frustrated at times. Get yourself a good support system.


Sexual Assault In The Military: It’s Not Just A Woman’s Issue

5:34 PM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

Sexual Assault In The Military: It’s Not Just A Woman’s Issue

by Jillian Bullock

C:\Users\delayne\Pictures\ASOP Promo Poster.jpg

In my upcoming movie, A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives, as the screenwriter and director, I wanted to highlight military sexual assault not just from a woman’s perspective, but from a man’s as well. Mike Beason, a veteran and sexual assault survivor, is one of the men featured in the movie, who shares his story of how he was raped as a young man when he was stationed at his first command post in Korea. As a result of suffering such a traumatic incident, he developed post-traumatic stress disorder and today he is classified as 100% disabled. Mike’s story is not unusual but it is not heard often even though it is an epidemic that plagues the U.S. military in all branches.

The reality is more men are sexually assaulted or raped each year in the military than women are. The sobering facts are this - approximately, 10,800 men are sexually assaulted every year in the military compared to roughly 8,000 women.  Women report sexual assault about 40 percent of the time and 13 percent for men.

“It’s easy for some people to single out women and say: ‘There’s a small percentage of the force having this problem,’ ” said First Lt. Adam Cohen, who said he was raped by a superior officer. “No one wants to admit this problem affects everyone. Both genders, of all ranks. It’s a cultural problem.”



Just like with females, the number of sexual violence is actually higher because most men will not report their attack. Men must deal with the stigma attached to being a rape victim. They are often perceived as weak because rape doesn’t happen to “real men.” They have a fear of being ostracized. They don’t feel they will be believed or get the support they need. Of course, they must deal with the shame of being raped and often don’t tell anyone, especially not their friends or family.

The Pentagon says that 53 percent of sexual attacks on men are mostly done by other men. With 1,197,000 total enlisted men in the U.S. Armed Forces, approximately 1 to 2 percent are said to have experienced a sexual assault. Eighty-one percent will never report it.

After such an attack men often become confused about their sexuality. If he is a gay man, he may feel he was raped out of punishment for being gay. If he is heterosexual, he may wonder if he is now gay especially if he became aroused during the assault.  

Once discarded from the military sexual assault victims often have a difficult time maintaining a healthy relationship. They often have flashbacks of the attack, which causes nightmares, panic attacks, anger, fear, loneliness, and hatred toward self. These overwhelming emotions often leads victims to become depressed, have suicidal thoughts or abuse alcohol or drugs. This leads to military sexual trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.

"The stigma associated with being a man who is sexually assaulted remains so powerful and so pervasive that it is, without doubt, the biggest obstacle that male survivors contend with," David Lisak, a forensic consultant and board chair of 1in6, a support and recovery organization, told Mic via email.

To report an occurrence of sexual assault or rape, many men or women in the military face backlash and retaliation in the form of professional and social punishment, death threats, shunned by other military members in their unit, or forced discharge for a variety of reasons, mainly having some form of mental issue, e.g. Personality Disorder, even when they don’t. 


The U.S. military has several problems when it comes to doing what needs to happen in order to help significantly lower incidents of sexual assault in the Armed Forces.

Until 2004, the military rape law applied only to female victims and male perpetrators. There were no guidelines for when a male rapes another male or when a female rapes a male or when a female rapes another female.  The Department of Defense created Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO), which they stated: “serves as the single point of authority for program accountability and oversight, in order to enable military readiness and reduce -- with a goal to eliminate -- sexual assault from the military.” Since that time, SAPRO have done very little to lower or eliminate violent sexual crimes in the military.

"Asking male survivors to report the crime and then not having adequate resources to assist them in beginning recovery is detrimental at best to creating a conducive environment for reporting," said Brian Lewis, a sexual assault survivor and president of Men Recovering from Military Sexual Trauma. "Why would a male survivor want to report if he is simply going to be told, 'Take these pills and there's not much else I can do for you'?" 

The Pentagon stated that recently there have been an increase in the number of men and women who are reporting incidents of rape or sexual assault. To see this increase means servicemen and women are "growing more comfortable in the system." The increase that is being referred to: In 2012 approximately 26,000 women and men were sexually assaulted and 3,374 cases were reported. In 2013, a new Pentagon report found that 5,061 troops reported cases of assault.

Also the Department of Defense (DOD) now requires all branches of the service to conduct monthly meetings in order to track and record all reported sexual assault or rape cases and submit those allegations to the proper channel to be reviewed and investigated.

There’s only one problem with what the DOD is doing. None of it is working because rarely do these investigations lead to justice.


Since the military handles any, and all, reported cases of sexual assault or rape, the leadership structure is the problem. The commanding officer has the power to stop an investigation, reduce a sentence or to overturn a conviction. This is especially problematic if the commanding officer is the offender or a buddy to the rapist.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) has been on a constant mission for military sexual assault survivors. She introduced a bill to congress to remove sexual assault cases from the chain of command. Instead, the proposal seeks to have independent military lawyer handle cases and take the process out of commanders’ hands.

“The victims and survivors of sexual assault having been walking the halls of Congress for more than a year asking us to protect them,” Gillibrand told her colleagues. “It’s not about whether the members of Congress trust the chain of command. The people who do not trust the chain of command are the victims.”

Unfortunately, the bill needed 60 votes and it only garnished 55.  Gillibrand had hoped to continue her mission to get military sexual assault reform legislation passed, but she had been met with far too much opposition from military officials, the Senate and Congress. 

“I always hoped we could do the right thing here –- and deliver a military justice system that is free from bias and conflict of interest –- a military justice system that is worthy of the brave men and women who fight for us,” she said. “But today the Senate turned its back on a majority of its members.” 

Gillibrand believes that nothing will ever help victims of sexual assault or deter rape in the Armed Forces until Congress overhauls the military justice system.


Sexual Assault/Rape
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)

SafeHorizons National Sexual Assault Hotline

National Sexual Assault Hotline
800.656.HOPE | Free. Confidential. 24/7.


The Story Behind A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives Movie

6:00 AM asenseofpurposemovie 0 Comments

According to the Department of Defense, it’s estimated that 22 American military veterans die by suicide every day. That’s nearly one every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month. That’s over 8,000 veterans every year.
  • 26,000 incidents of sexual assault and unwanted sexual touching were reported in 2012.
  • Since 1991 military leaders have been stating that there will be “zero tolerance” of sexual assault, however, these stats clearly point out that the military is not living up to what they profess.        
  • According to U.S. military facts, women are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by the enemy in Iraq or Afghanistan.    
  • Eighty percent of men and women don’t report being raped due to the pressure or fear of being singled out, shunned, losing their rank, negative responses from their unit or superior officers or retaliation.
#JillianBullock #ASOPmovie
As an author, screenwriter, producer and director I produce not only movies that have an entertainment element but an empowering side as well. Even with tough subject matters such as post-traumatic stress disorder and military sexual assault, there can be a balance, which I’ve tried to achieve in A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives.
The movie, which is inspired by true events, highlights post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and military sexual trauma (MST) not only from the perspective of the lead character, Sgt. Diane Torres, (played by Tamara Woods), who was raped by her commanding officer, Captain Jake Nixon, (played by John Quinlan), but through the eyes of a man, as well. Michael Beason, an Army veteran, and sexual assault survivor, plays an important role as himself in the movie. In one scene, he discusses what happened to him when he was raped at his first training station in Korea. Twenty years later, Beason still struggles with PTSD as a result of what happened to him, but he is no longer a victim. He is the founder of the non-profit organization, From PTSD to Freedom

A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives was crafted over a period of three years as I did extensive research and was shocked to learn how many veterans and active duty men and women suffer from PTSD as a result of being sexually assaulted or raped while they served in the military. I also interview psychologists who treat veterans. 

Unfortunately, rape or sexual assault in the military is America’s most shameful and best-kept secrets and it’s a rampant epidemic that needs to have more exposure. The public deserves to know what is taking place, especially parents who allow their sons and daughters to enlist. 

As someone who served in the Army, I wanted to do my part to tell a very important story. I wanted to produce a film that stands up to injustice and showcases the ugliness that goes on in the military on a daily basis. This epidemic not only affects the men and women who serve, but their families, loved ones, children, friends, and society as a whole. 

It is my hope that A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives, which some may deem controversial, will have an impact on the military so changes can be instituted where men and women who serve will be safe and protected from this heinous crime.

#ASOPmovie #JillianBullock #JohnQuinlan #TamaraWoods